How Often to use Hand Sanitizer

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Dry Hands yet feeling clean. I feel that is the motto of 2020. Constantly washing our hands and staying away from others. Yet I often think of how often is too often when using hand sanitizer. I don't want my hands to be the Sahara desert, dry and cracking but I don't want germs crawling around waiting for the moment when I unintentionally touch my face. Luckily our formula is made with essential oils.
Here is a good rule of thumb when going through these uncharted territories:
Wash your hands every hour unless you have been exposed to the outside world and the germs that come with that.
Yes, I know our scents will whisk you away to a tropical island or Sweden where the lily fields are but to avoid the overly sanitized hands, use every hour, or if you have been exposed.


A Mother's Realization